IO1: Context Analysis on Problem-Solving Methods and Mentalities in Lifelong Learning

A thorough process of determining the current situation especially from a point of mentality and methodologies used in lifelong learning organisations, by adult educators and adult learning on problem-resolution, problem-posing and how the above affect the impact of training in terms of creating inclusive learning environments, striving towards optimal retention of learners and aiming to outreach, was closely implemented by the project partners.
The main challenges of interest in the SUPPORT Project are the ones linked to a variety of existing preconceptions, social exclusion, stereotypes, language barriers, cultural limitations, and others if identified as such in the context analysis.
The innovative aspect of this output is linked with the fact that the context analysis will be implemented triangularly involving organisations, trainers and trainees though interviews. The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that the project is informed by all the contextual factors that might affect its implementation and sustainability, and also feed the next outputs to come in a way that builds upon existing knowledge and work done and does not isolate in order to achieve maximum threshold.

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Further Reading: The Covid-19 Pandemic Effect on Problem Solving Mentalities of Adult Learners and Educators