IO3: Policy Recommendations Paper on the Necessity of Inclusive Policies towards Enhancing Problem Solving Mentalities

This output consists in a document in which the learning points and outcomes of the project are summarised, together with key forward-looking policy recommendations. It is shaped as a tool for advocacy actions aimed at raising awareness on a European lifelong learning approach in general, and specifically on the importance of problem-solving mentalities, for adult trainers and learners, in developing basic transversal skills as part of the key competences in lifelong learning.

Below you can read and Download our Policy Paper and Briefing Paper on the Covid-19 Pandemic Effect!

Policy Paper
Policy Paper

Use Our Policy Recommendations Infographic, below, to Advocate for the Enforcement of Problem Solving Policies in Adult Education Provision

Use Our Policy Recommendations Infographic, below, to Advocate for the Enforcement of Problem Solving Policies in Policy Making