Problem solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing possible solution paths, and taking the appropriate course of action. The European Commission has identified problem solving, and the ability to solve problems and work collaboratively as a main indicator of the transversal skills to be acquired as part of the key competences. It is the view of the “SUPport of Problem-solving mentality in lifelOng leaRning for Trainers” SUPPORT consortium that adult learning consists of a an everlasting process of problem-posing and problem-solving, especially in the case of dealing with persons with low level of skills or qualifications where the learning environment is not only challenged by the knowledge to be acquired but has to deal with a variety of existing preconceptions, social exclusion, stereotypes, language barriers, cultural limitations and others. By supporting the trainers in what we call “problem-solving” situations, with multiple tools and methods as well as valuable background information and scenarios, the project aims to enforce in an antihierarchical way inclusion, retention and outreach in the adult learning environment in order to maximise the positive effect for the direct and indirect target group. SUPPORT will provide trainers with an online platform with useful tools and methods and an open discussion forum that will extend the trainers’ competences and professionalize their work. The SUPPORT project will also develop a “near-peer” methodological framework for learners in order to promote their active participation, on equal terms with the tutor, and foster their motivation.
More specifically the objectives of SUPPORT, considering as well the specific objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of education and training, will be as follows:
1. It will support and extend the competencies of educators and trainers in tackling challenges and solving problems. Through facilitating communication between them through the available forum of the SUPPORT platform, their access to a clearly user-friendly environment providing tools and methods for the organisation and planning of their needs, and the supporting them find a way to reach a concise, inclusive and stimulating learning environment thriving for outreach.
2. It will produce a concise methodological framework ready to use with trainers and adult learners, as identified.
3. It will increase the quality of adult education provision, with a strong drive towards policy reform through the recommendations policy paper developed.