Lack of planning and personal disorientation

Lack of planning and personal disorientation
The Learning Challenge – Narative
It seems useful to recognize a strategic role and a decisive function in adult education, especially with the perspective of strengthening the orientative competences, i.e. those cognitive, emotional and relational tools able to face the disorientation of today’s society. Living and acting in a constantly changing world means developing a meta-cognitive capacity, linked to an approach to knowledge that puts the person in a position to grasp its limits and possibilities. In particular, it may be useful to act at the level of transversal cognitive competences, i.e. those competences linked to the ability to analyse and select information received in a short period of time. These strategies are functional to avoid the passive attitude that sometimes occurs in learning processes and that, all the more so, one runs the risk of having when faced with an adult in training.

Solving the Problem: Activities for Learning Groups

Activity 1

Title of activity

AGILE Approach

Working on the activity – Suggestions

Follow an AGILE approach i.e. an adaptive approach where the final learning objective is split into many small objectives (Milestones) to be achieved. For each of these objectives the educator and the learner plan the actions to be taken. The learner in an individual way and/or in comparison with the educator/teacher evaluates each process carried out (milestone achieved) from the point of view of skills acquired and personal satisfaction achieved.
Activity 2

Title of activity


Working on the activity – Suggestions

ProfilPASS is a set of questionnaires that reply to several activities of the life span using Narrative mode. It is being used form the German employment agencies and adult institutions to help people better understand their skills when looking for a new job or looking for further vocational training and education. It is addressed to anyone that feels that they need counselling around education and work related issues.

Target group:

  • Long term unemployed
  • People returning to work after a break
  • Students or post-graduates
  • Seniors
  • Employees
  • Counsellors

Solving the Problem: Self-reflection (educator’s reflection)

Reflecting on the Problem Solving measures taken to overcome the challenge
The need for knowledge of a learning adult is not satisfied by the simple accumulation of information, but rather it is necessary for people to feel that they master this knowledge, developing the ability to process their multiple connections and to grasp the essential aspects of problems. Learning can only be meaningful if the learning subject is autonomous and aware of his/her own cognitive processes. Operators approaching this world have the obligation to acquire knowledge and skills related to the specific dynamics of adult learning.

Reflecting on the changes in the group dynamics

Reflecting on personal change
Adults in training must be able to reflect day by day on the learning achieved and to identify strategies that complement what is still considered deficient. In adulthood the habit of self-observation and self-orientation should be encouraged as well as the acquisition of real competence.

Points for Discussion with your Organisation

The adult is called to make progress in adapting his studies and profession to the changing demands of life, not only for his personal emancipation but also for the progress of society. In fact, society is the educational context that provides the cultural tools and general orientations. This means that it is necessary, in the construction of training pathways, to promote educational success which is a concept that is not limited only to the school experience but has to do with the more global concept of personal fulfilment of the person, on a personal level.

Suggested Training Course available online