International students with communication barriers

International students with communication barriers
The Learning Challenge – Narative
International students often arrive in the classroom without any prior training in the language or the culture of the host country. This situation produces in the classroom a complicated situation for the teacher, classmates, and even for the new student. Within the group-class, we find a large number of national students with small groups of newcomers who are fluent in the language. Therefore it is necessary to find a situation that improves inclusiveness from different areas. This situation always involves an investment of time by the teacher who ends up bothering for many reasons (consumption of time, lack of information, lack of instructions)

Solving the Problem: Activities for Learning Groups

Activity 1

Title of activity

Turn on the bulb

Working on the activity – Suggestions

Educators in this situation are asked to perform the activity “Turn on the bulb” in the educator community. Everyone will collaborate writing down a possible solution to the problem. Later all of them will discuss the alternatives exposed and choose one to implement.
Activity 2

Title of activity


Working on the activity – Suggestions

The main objective of this activity is to propose guidelines for newcomers who are struggling with the language barrier. An inclusive education system starts involving all educators to offer the measures and supports of attention through a reunion to brainstorm.

Solving the Problem: Self-reflection (educator’s reflection)

Reflecting on the Problem Solving measures taken to overcome the challenge
Involving the rest of the teaching staff is one of the measures that can help improve the situation in the classroom where newcomers arrive. The contribution of ideas by all is an important issue that helps to improve.

Reflecting on the changes in the group dynamics

Reflecting on personal change

Points for Discussion with your Organisation


Suggested Training Course available online