Learning Scenarios | Outreach

Problem solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing possible solution paths, and taking the appropriate course of action. The European Commission has identified problem solving, and the ability to solve problems and work collaboratively as a main indicator of the transversal skills to be acquired as part of the key competences.
It is the view of the “SUPport of Problem-solving mentality in lifelOng leaRning for Trainers” SUPPORT consortium that adult learning consists of a an everlasting process of problem-posing and problem-solving, especially in the case of dealing with persons with low level of skills or qualifications where the learning environment is not only challenged by the knowledge to be acquired but has to deal with a variety of existing preconceptions, social exclusion, stereotypes, language barriers, cultural limitations and others. 

Outreach, more so than others, is one of the main challenges faced by adult education organisation, and any educational institution, in most European countries. Organisations, as it is, are called to tackle multiple “problems” targeting both their educators and tehir learners. In the Learning Scenarios that you can explore below we have tackled multiple challenges that organisations are called to tackle in order to widen participation and combat exclusion, reaching out to people who are in some way deprived.

Check out all the scenarios below or read the booklet with indicative examples

The Organisations' Perspectives

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